Understanding The Times We Are In

Understanding The Times We Are In
I Chronicles 12:32 (Amplified)
“And of Issachar, men who had understanding of the times to know what Israel ought to do, 200 chiefs; and all their kinsmen were under their command;”

We are in a crucial time when you consider the various things that are happening. We are fortunate to have voices on the planet today that walk in the same spirit, as did, the descendants of Issachar. I will not take time to list any here, know they are out there. Their are those who are walking in a gifting which allows them to have an ear to hear what the Lord is saying now. As was the case in biblical Israel, there are those in a leadership role who operate in a prophetic gifting, as did the 200 which are mentioned in the text. It is fortunate that Israel had these 200 leaders which had the understanding of their times. We have individuals who are walking among us, that operate in the spirit of Issachar. They operate in tremendous accuracy.
One thing that has to be taken into consideration is, if you read or hear someone who contradicts scripture, then you MUST discount what they are saying. If you find one who speaks truth and doesn’t deviate from scripture, it is worth our attention.
When a leader walks in wisdom, he will seek the wisdom of others who also understand the times we are in. We find safety in a multitude of counselors. No one is lone ranger. It is wise to have an understanding of history and the effects it had and how it can relate and effect future happenings and our having a keen sense of what God is desiring us to pay attention to.
In the book of Esther, chapter1, we discover that King Ahasuerus wasn’t a godly king, but he had enough wisdom to listen to correct counsel. If a ungodly king has enough wisdom to listen to people of wisdom, then we need to hear what a godly wise man has to say, it could change the course of what we do, for our good.
When one walks with God and operates in this type of anointing, they operate in our time as ones with authority and with apostolic strategy. To operate here, God gives idea’s and strategies to make an impact for the Kingdom. As you pray, God may give you an idea that will change a multitude of lives.


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