Proverbs 22:7
The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender.

The Jewish people has according to tradition become stable financially by following certain steps. I believe it is something worth considering.

Tithe is the first and most important. The finances we have are not ours, we are managing it for God.
Give offerings. Help people who are in need. Help ministries who are proclaiming the Kingdom of God.
Save for larger purchases.
Invest for future returns.
Spend what remains for our necessities. 

According to one tradition I read, using our American currency for example, we would use ten $1.00 bills and five jars. The ten dollars represents 100%. We would use cash to make the process simple.

Tithe    $1.00   10%
Give    $1.00   10%
Save    $1.00   10%
Invest   $1.00  20%
Spend  $1.00  50%

It is something we could build up to and start seeing results. I'm not at that place yet, but I'm working to that place.


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