Vocal Training Recommendations
Vocal Training Notes from a seminar. Before following any recommendations mentioned here check with a professional.
Their is no reason to be fearful. We are crucified in Christ. Jesus has to be on the throne in our lives. We must die to ourselves. Soli deo gloria-To God alone be the glory.
We have to train the brain. "We-nike" area is where communication is from, out of the brain. We learn by feeling and hearing. Remember how it feels, it will allow you to do it properly. You sing with your brain. We only use 8% of the brain. According to a voice trainer, singing isn't a talent or gift, he stated, it is a hidden capacity, not revealed. A lack of knowledge and understanding of correct technique. It is an aquired skill with tons of sweat and blood. It has been described as, a highly qurentive procession tuning of energy. Energy, phoenation and resonance.
Singing is super pronounciation of emotionalized speech, beautifully sustained.
Our throat is a megaphone.
To sing well, it is best to find a diagnostic technician, not a voice teacher.
Their are 16 vowel sounds and 25 consanants.
Diphthongal slide, as you only leave the word and never tighten the tongue.
We use vowel sounds.
When you hear the pitch, never hum, always sing out. You must anchor and brace. When you breathe, your chest expands. Be aware of the chest cavity raising up. Your chest raises as you sing. You never relax your throat or velum.
We don't run out of air, we give into recoil. When you use vowel sounds, no flesh should touch flesh.
Diaphram is an inhalation muscle, not for pushing out. You sing on a prepared breath. When we sing, we are building our voice. Our chest goes down when we breathe.
When singing, keep crack open, the thyroid cartlidge.
Keep in mind, the hoot owl sound is medicine to the voice.
These are items that are helpful for the voice. This is based on information from a vocal technician, in a seminar setting. I cannot back up the information as being valid, talk with a professional before attempting to use these suggestions.
Use a half teaspoon of sea salt, half a teaspoon of baking soda, 8 oz. of distilled water, 4 oz. alkalol (available at drug store), put in container with lid. Start with lukewarm water.
Broncitis-19 grams, 10 or 15 stinking garlic, in lieu of garlic, get Ferrum Phosphorcum. Take 20 or 30 tablets. It is designed to clean out mucus. The garlic tablets are large. Consult a professional.
Take Vitamin C. Ester C is mentioned as a recommended supplement. Everytime you take this product, drink 10 oz. of pure water. Spread 1000 mg. throughout the day, on the hour every hour. Take 5000 mg. when you are sick. Consult a professional.
Take Vitamin A. Do not use oil soliable Vitamin A. Take Beta Caratine Vitamin A. Take at least 3. This is a healer of membranes. Consult a professional.
Take enzines after each meal. Consult a professional as this applies to you.
It was recommended in a seminar to eat these items, to increase your healthy living.
Eat slightly steamed vegetables
Eat whole grain rice, including brown rice and lungrund. Never eat white rice.
Eat 12 grain bread, such as Ezekial bread purchased from a heath food store.
Take Alpha or Alphlpa tablets which are cold pressed. Take 10 when you have problems. This is good for bursitis and arthritis.
Do not take anti histamine.
Take Hawpalito to help your prostate.
Take Palmetto saw grass root with pygum. It keeps your prostate small.
Take 3 tablespoons of Apple Cidar Vinegar from the Health Food Store, take with honey or orange juice.
Get doctor to prescribe if he feels it will be beneficial, Humi-bid. Drink a great deal of water.
Use no dairy products.
Do not eat protein after 5:00 pm.
Eat only complex carbohydrates
Drink ala vera juice.
For hay fever, find local bee hives, aprox. 3-5 miles from your home. Use 1/4 of a teaspoon. If possible, get local honey from an area you are going to at least 3 weeks in advance.
Purchase a Champion juicer
Take 2 or 3 teaspoons of local honey only, local unprocessed.
Drink 1/2 your body weight in fluid oz. of pure distilled water
Eat California carrots
Drink vanilla "Rice Dream" instead of milk
If you eat steak, do not eat white rice
If your arms fall asleep, take CO Q 10, Vitamin E 1200 mg.
If your legs cramp, take 2 potassium tablets per day.
If you are having back problems, get a magnetic mattress. Read books on magnetic therapy.
Keylation therapy is recommended by the vocal trainer.
It is recommended to do away with aluminum pots and pans.
Do not use anti-persperant deodarant.
Take a shower with Phisophex, then use a mineral rock for deordarant.
Look into Wineke's Sight Reading Course
Books that were recommended during the seminar:
Vocal Wisdom Author Unknown
Colostrum Donald R. Henderson and Deborah Mitchell
Study Nutrition from PHD's
Nutritional Healing Author Unknown
Eat Right or Die Younger Dr. Norman Walker
Become Younger Dr. Norman Walker
Read any book by Dr. Norman Walker
Muckless Diet Dr. Arnold Ehret
40 Something Forever Author Unkown
By Passing The By Pass Author Unknown
Their is no reason to be fearful. We are crucified in Christ. Jesus has to be on the throne in our lives. We must die to ourselves. Soli deo gloria-To God alone be the glory.
We have to train the brain. "We-nike" area is where communication is from, out of the brain. We learn by feeling and hearing. Remember how it feels, it will allow you to do it properly. You sing with your brain. We only use 8% of the brain. According to a voice trainer, singing isn't a talent or gift, he stated, it is a hidden capacity, not revealed. A lack of knowledge and understanding of correct technique. It is an aquired skill with tons of sweat and blood. It has been described as, a highly qurentive procession tuning of energy. Energy, phoenation and resonance.
Singing is super pronounciation of emotionalized speech, beautifully sustained.
Our throat is a megaphone.
To sing well, it is best to find a diagnostic technician, not a voice teacher.
Their are 16 vowel sounds and 25 consanants.
Diphthongal slide, as you only leave the word and never tighten the tongue.
We use vowel sounds.
When you hear the pitch, never hum, always sing out. You must anchor and brace. When you breathe, your chest expands. Be aware of the chest cavity raising up. Your chest raises as you sing. You never relax your throat or velum.
We don't run out of air, we give into recoil. When you use vowel sounds, no flesh should touch flesh.
Diaphram is an inhalation muscle, not for pushing out. You sing on a prepared breath. When we sing, we are building our voice. Our chest goes down when we breathe.
When singing, keep crack open, the thyroid cartlidge.
Keep in mind, the hoot owl sound is medicine to the voice.
These are items that are helpful for the voice. This is based on information from a vocal technician, in a seminar setting. I cannot back up the information as being valid, talk with a professional before attempting to use these suggestions.
Use a half teaspoon of sea salt, half a teaspoon of baking soda, 8 oz. of distilled water, 4 oz. alkalol (available at drug store), put in container with lid. Start with lukewarm water.
Broncitis-19 grams, 10 or 15 stinking garlic, in lieu of garlic, get Ferrum Phosphorcum. Take 20 or 30 tablets. It is designed to clean out mucus. The garlic tablets are large. Consult a professional.
Take Vitamin C. Ester C is mentioned as a recommended supplement. Everytime you take this product, drink 10 oz. of pure water. Spread 1000 mg. throughout the day, on the hour every hour. Take 5000 mg. when you are sick. Consult a professional.
Take Vitamin A. Do not use oil soliable Vitamin A. Take Beta Caratine Vitamin A. Take at least 3. This is a healer of membranes. Consult a professional.
Take enzines after each meal. Consult a professional as this applies to you.
It was recommended in a seminar to eat these items, to increase your healthy living.
Eat slightly steamed vegetables
Eat whole grain rice, including brown rice and lungrund. Never eat white rice.
Eat 12 grain bread, such as Ezekial bread purchased from a heath food store.
Take Alpha or Alphlpa tablets which are cold pressed. Take 10 when you have problems. This is good for bursitis and arthritis.
Do not take anti histamine.
Take Hawpalito to help your prostate.
Take Palmetto saw grass root with pygum. It keeps your prostate small.
Take 3 tablespoons of Apple Cidar Vinegar from the Health Food Store, take with honey or orange juice.
Get doctor to prescribe if he feels it will be beneficial, Humi-bid. Drink a great deal of water.
Use no dairy products.
Do not eat protein after 5:00 pm.
Eat only complex carbohydrates
Drink ala vera juice.
For hay fever, find local bee hives, aprox. 3-5 miles from your home. Use 1/4 of a teaspoon. If possible, get local honey from an area you are going to at least 3 weeks in advance.
Purchase a Champion juicer
Take 2 or 3 teaspoons of local honey only, local unprocessed.
Drink 1/2 your body weight in fluid oz. of pure distilled water
Eat California carrots
Drink vanilla "Rice Dream" instead of milk
If you eat steak, do not eat white rice
If your arms fall asleep, take CO Q 10, Vitamin E 1200 mg.
If your legs cramp, take 2 potassium tablets per day.
If you are having back problems, get a magnetic mattress. Read books on magnetic therapy.
Keylation therapy is recommended by the vocal trainer.
It is recommended to do away with aluminum pots and pans.
Do not use anti-persperant deodarant.
Take a shower with Phisophex, then use a mineral rock for deordarant.
Look into Wineke's Sight Reading Course
Books that were recommended during the seminar:
Vocal Wisdom Author Unknown
Colostrum Donald R. Henderson and Deborah Mitchell
Study Nutrition from PHD's
Nutritional Healing Author Unknown
Eat Right or Die Younger Dr. Norman Walker
Become Younger Dr. Norman Walker
Read any book by Dr. Norman Walker
Muckless Diet Dr. Arnold Ehret
40 Something Forever Author Unkown
By Passing The By Pass Author Unknown
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