Healthy Eating Ideas

Eating Healthy Ideas (Check with your physician before following these suggestions)

Eat Living Food
-Fresh Fruit- It is best for them to be eaten by themselves. This includes Apples, Pears, Bananas, most Citrus Fruit, Coconuts and Melons.

-Fresh Vegetables (Organic)
Carrots, Tomatoes, Cauliflower, Asparagus, Cabbage, Broccoli, Brussels Sprout, Dark Green Leafy Vegetables, Corn, Sprouted Grains, Garlic.
-Drink 1 or 2 cups of fresh carrot juice. An idea to consider is have California Carrot and Celery Juice, which could also be used as a soup.

Sunflower seeds, Almonds, Walnuts, Hazelnuts (go easy on them, start light), Organic Peanuts, Macadamia nuts and Brazil nuts.

All sprouted seeds


-Whole Grains
Whole Grain Cereal, Whole Grain Pasta, Oats, Red Yeast Rice, 12 Grain Bread (Ezekiel bread at the Health Food Store), Barley, Whole Wheat.

-Brown Rice

-Chicken (breast), Turkey (breast), Fish (fish oil of salmon, herring, mackerel, albacore tuna)

-Meat (only leanest cuts), limit your intake of these meats to 4 ounces. Get certified organic meats (free range).
-Eat meats with vegetables, not starches.

Generous amounts of legumes (beans) for proteins (lentils).

Take Flaxseed Oil (gel cap) *Never cook with it!
   “    Primrose   “  , Cod Liver Oil (in small amounts)
   “    Fish          “  , Take Vitamin E with this, use extra virgin olive oil (cold pressed).

Chlorophyll Drink
Green Superfood  (Give your body a chance to adjust). If you have trouble, take between 2 to 4 tablespoons of aloe vera juice, 2 or 3 times a day (between meals).
Get natural organic peanut butter, almond butter, canola oil, natural canola mayonnaise, cold pressed safflower or sesame oil, wheat germ and honey.

Use non-fat milk and green tea.

Eat protein first, have vegetables, fruits and salads.

*Food is best when raw, lightly steamed or stir fried.

It is recommended to purchase a Champion Juicer.

Use buffered Vitamin C, Drink 10 oz. of water. You may wish to consider Ester C.
Vitamin B3 is recommended as well.

Purchase Multi Vitamins with a Chelated Supplement, purchase one which you can take with meals and can be taken 2 to 3 times daily.

Vitamin E (D-Alpha Tocopherol) not DL (Synthetic)
Vitamin A (Beta Caratine Vitamin A)

Selenium, Coenzyme Q10, Grape Seed Extract (Grape Seed, not Grape is best)

Take Garleek  900 mg. daily, divided into 2-3 a day portions.

It is recommended to order, Divine Health Nutritional Products

To Increase Complex Carbohydrates:
-Eat more Fruits and Vegetables
-Eat more Whole Grains
-Eat more Beans, Lentils and Dried Peas

Recommended Serving Sizes For Foods High In Carbohydrates:
-Vegetables: 1 cup of raw vegetables or a half cup of cooked vegetables or choose a ¾ cup of Vegetable Juice.
-Fruits: 1 medium size fruit such as 1 medium apple or 1 medium orange), ½ cup of a canned or chopped fruit, or consider ¾ cup of fruit juice.
-Beans: ½ cup of cooked Dry Beans, Lentils or Dried Peas.
-Dairy: 1 cup of Skim or Low Fat Milk.

Vitamin K is recommended for clean arteries. In it is found Spinach, Kale, Turnip Greens and Brussels Sprouts.

Sample 2,000 Calorie Menu (These are personal modifications)
-1 cup of Raspberries
-1 ½ cups of unsweetened cereal with a ½ sliced banana
-1 cup of skim milk
-1 slice of whole wheat toast

-Turkey Pita Pocket Sandwich (2 slices of whole wheat Pita bread, 3 ounces of lean turkey breast)
-½ cup of shredded Lettuce
-½ cup of diced Tomatoes
-½ cup of Green Peppers
-1 teaspoon of Extra Virgin Olive Oil
-1 cup of Skim Milk
-2 fresh medium sized Peaches

-4 ounces of broiled Salmon with 3 tablespoons of lemon juice and sprinkled with Paprika.
-6 steamed Broccoli stalks

-1 cup of lettuce
-¼ cup of sliced Mushrooms
-½ cup of sliced Tomatoes
-½ cup of sliced Carrots
-1 tablespoon of Olive Oil

-½ cup of frozen unsweetened Strawberries
-1 inch slice of Angel Food Cake
-1 cup of Skim Milk


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