Law Of Attraction or Law Of Moving Toward?

The Law of Attraction or The Law of Moving Forward?

We have heard about the Law of Attraction for many years but do we really understand what it really is? Books have been written, movies have been produced, a series produced many years ago called the Master Key mentions it, but I don’t believe we fully understand it. The Hindu religion uses elements of the Law of Attraction, as well as the “New Age Movement.”

What amazes me is that the foundational principle comes from God’s Word and it is missed by many in the church. I imagine the reason is many who use it, are misusing it, and are causing the church to abandon the principles. This is how a vacuum was created and the truths are being used in a “perverted” way.

The Law of Attraction is said to be an important part of achieving what you want, it’s a step, it isn’t everything! Consider this, rather than you attracting things into your life or altering reality to conform to your wishes, as some are sadly teaching, what happens is that as you inspire your subconscious mind with your goal and what you want, and considering whether  it’s God’s will for you, literally setting your mind on it, your subconscious guides your thoughts and actions in such a way that you move toward what you desire. 

When you consider things in this manner, you can call people with whom you haven’t spoken in a while and end up making a good contact, you find yourself in different situations that benefit you, or you begin seeing opportunities where before you saw nothing.

It is better to refer to the Law of Attraction as the Law of Moving Toward. Instead of you attracting things into your life, you are moving toward them. 

You are moving and working toward what you want and when you get it, you’ve earned it.

When you begin using the Law of Attraction this way rather than relying on the methods being espoused by many today, you will see yourself achieving your wants and goals. It will take persistence, determination, and knowing exactly what you want, but it does work and it will help you.

When you begin to look at the psychological aspects of thought and remove from it the dogmatic thought, you will find yourself achieving, succeeding, and attaining more than you ever thought that you could. 

You will take action and move forward. You will be more able to do what needs to be done because you will truly realize that nothing comes without cost. 

You will be more connected with the workings of life, your place in it, and how to achieve and attain. When a person sees the basic psychology behind the Law of Attraction and has a realistic interpretation of how it works, then he is practically guaranteed to become a better, more positive, and an action oriented person. 

When done correctly, you will find that you are moving toward your goals rather than expecting them to materialize or “manifest” for you.

When you achieve something, you will know that your thoughts and actions yielded your results and that you earned what you want because you took action.

We must plant the seed (think correctly) and leave it undisturbed (continue thinking in the same manner.) This does not mean that we are to sit down and do nothing, by no means, we will do more and better work than we have ever done before. New channels will constantly be provided, new doors will open, all that is necessary is to have an open mind. Be ready to act when the time comes.

Instead of “attracting” what we think about, we move toward what we think about, which can be seen to happen every time we put it to a test.

If we see the world as full of opportunities and riches awaiting our taking, then we will find ourselves in those circumstances and we will be ready when those times come. If we view the world as dark with the chips stacked against us, then we will assuredly act accordingly.

As Henry Ford stated so clearly,
"Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right!"

People are attracted or repulsed by your behavior not your thoughts. 

Now, imagine what you would like to accomplish. Think big! Trust God’s favor on your life. Visualize it in all its glory.
With that image in mind, set yourself to work. It will take hard work, effort, time, and persistence to attain what you desire, but rest assured that you can do it. 

Yes, it all does begin with a thought, but without taking that thought further, you will be left with nothing. The real secret is to take that thought and act upon it. 


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