The best way I have discovered to improve our Video camera skill is to watch TV

If you ask writers how they improve their skill, they will say they read more. If you ask still photographers how they improve their skill, they usually say they look at more photographs. If this is the case, it is true for us who shoot video.

You must watch lots of television or go to the movies and pay attention to the camera work. As a result, you will have an idea what the director looks for. You don't sit down with a bowl of popcorn while you watch your favorite show. You take time to analyze other people’s work.

It is best to pay attention to how shots are lit. You must watch for angles and notice transitions, as well as the amount of head room, plus several other items I could mention. You will see a pattern, if you will look for it. This pattern should be the root of your basic approach to shooting video.

By watching how the camera is positioned relative to the subject, noting the length of each scene between transitions and judging things like focus and depth of field, you can learn how to shoot video for TV without ever going to school.


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