Step Into Your Position
Step Into Your Position Exodus 17:5 NLT The Lord said to Moses, “Walk out in front of the people. Take your staff, the one you used when you struck the water of the Nile, and call some of the elders of Israel to join you. When God calls you out from being a part of the crowd, you are now out front. As a result, people look at you differently. You are not one of the guys any longer. You are leading people somewhere. God gives you a vision and you now have a drive in you to accomplish the vision. As a leader, especially those in an Apostolic office, you go before the people and blaze trails that no one has blazed before. You are different as a leader, because failure gives you fuel to keep going until you find where you are destined to be. You do not give up. You have a drive inside you. When you are at the beginning of any new place in ministry, you must remember each is a baby step to reach your destiny. Apostolic is your leading to the unknown. Doors open as you go. When...