Step Into Your Position
Step Into Your Position
Exodus 17:5 NLT
The Lord said to Moses, “Walk out in front of the people. Take your staff, the one you used when you struck the water of the Nile, and call some of the elders of Israel to join you.
When God calls you out from being a part of the crowd, you are now out front. As a result, people look at you differently. You are not one of the guys any longer. You are leading people somewhere. God gives you a vision and you now have a drive in you to accomplish the vision.
As a leader, especially those in an Apostolic office, you go before the people and blaze trails that no one has blazed before.
You are different as a leader, because failure gives you fuel to keep going until you find where you are destined to be. You do not give up. You have a drive inside you.
When you are at the beginning of any new place in ministry, you must remember each is a baby step to reach your destiny. Apostolic is your leading to the unknown. Doors open as you go.
When God calls you, you never arrive, you continue following Him where He takes you. You are moving upward, it's an upward call. It's like a carrot is being dangled in front of you.
Don't defy the change that a new level brings. Please know, things will change. We have an inward leading, the Holy Spirit is abiding in you. A new level brings new chaos.
The new level could bring changes that you don't expect. For example, we are here to influence the entertainment industry including Hollywood and Nashville, business and any area the Lord directs. It could be a great adventure.
If you have someone who is telling you can't go any further and you are unable to accomplish anything greater, you need to challenge it. If God didn't draw the line, then cross the line. Don't stay behind it. Don't listen to what other people say. Step out of it.
Always question, who drew the line? If God didn't draw it, cross it and keep moving. As you progress, get around someone who challenges you. Stretch and grow.
Sometimes we have the temptation to feel sorry for ourselves. We must refuse to have a victim mentality. If you feel someone has their foot on you, holding you down. Get that thought out of you that, the foot has to stay on you. It absolutely doesn't belong there. Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world.
Exodus 17:5 NLT
The Lord said to Moses, “Walk out in front of the people. Take your staff, the one you used when you struck the water of the Nile, and call some of the elders of Israel to join you.
When God calls you out from being a part of the crowd, you are now out front. As a result, people look at you differently. You are not one of the guys any longer. You are leading people somewhere. God gives you a vision and you now have a drive in you to accomplish the vision.
As a leader, especially those in an Apostolic office, you go before the people and blaze trails that no one has blazed before.
You are different as a leader, because failure gives you fuel to keep going until you find where you are destined to be. You do not give up. You have a drive inside you.
When you are at the beginning of any new place in ministry, you must remember each is a baby step to reach your destiny. Apostolic is your leading to the unknown. Doors open as you go.
When God calls you, you never arrive, you continue following Him where He takes you. You are moving upward, it's an upward call. It's like a carrot is being dangled in front of you.
Don't defy the change that a new level brings. Please know, things will change. We have an inward leading, the Holy Spirit is abiding in you. A new level brings new chaos.
The new level could bring changes that you don't expect. For example, we are here to influence the entertainment industry including Hollywood and Nashville, business and any area the Lord directs. It could be a great adventure.
If you have someone who is telling you can't go any further and you are unable to accomplish anything greater, you need to challenge it. If God didn't draw the line, then cross the line. Don't stay behind it. Don't listen to what other people say. Step out of it.
Always question, who drew the line? If God didn't draw it, cross it and keep moving. As you progress, get around someone who challenges you. Stretch and grow.
Sometimes we have the temptation to feel sorry for ourselves. We must refuse to have a victim mentality. If you feel someone has their foot on you, holding you down. Get that thought out of you that, the foot has to stay on you. It absolutely doesn't belong there. Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world.
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