Creating A Vision Plan For Success

If you haven't reached your goals or you may not have a plan listing any goals, I want to challenge you to make a list. This list will give you an opportunity to proceed further than you thought possible. Some have used various aids to keep them focused and on point, as they head toward accomplishing their plan. Some use charts that include pictures, scriptures, words and phrases that represent their goals, dreams and desires. By doing this, you will advance in your career, social life, health, education, self care and so much more. Creating a vision chart is nothing more than creating a map for your life to follow, so you can reach your destination. Put your vision plan where you can see it.

1. Write The Vision.

 Habakkuk 2:2 -3 NKJV encourages us "write the vision" Then the Lord answered me and said: “Write the vision And make it plain on tablets, That he may run who reads it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time; But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it; Because it will surely come, It will not tarry.

 We can create a written vision and post it somewhere so it will inspire us and others. Having a vision creates movement, it causes us to take action and do whatever is necessary to fulfill our goals. According to the scripture, our vision is for an appointed time. If we keep the vision alive, it will be fulfilled.

 2. Speak To Your Vision

John 1:1 NKJV
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

 John 1:14 NKJV
And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.

Before God created the heavens and the earth He had a vision in mind. But it was not until He spoke it out of His mouth that the vision was fulfilled. Every great idea begins in your mind. It will stay there unless you verbalize it. We must speak to our vision by enforcing it with God's word. Our words have power and are alive. Scripture tells us that whatever a man speaks from his heart shall come to pass. Choose words that will manifest your vision, not words that will hinder it.

 3. An Ear To Hear

Even if you have no idea how you will accomplish your vision, simply writing it down and making it concrete sets your creative energies into motion. The Word of God states that a man plans his ways, but it is God who orders his steps. On a daily basis, we should ask God to give us an ear to hear, eyes to see and wisdom to discern any opportunities He may be sending us that will support our vision. We should be obedient to the "still small voice" that may be encouraging us to take a particular course of action. Several scriptures tell us that God will make our way prosperous and cause our plans to succeed, if we put our trust in Him.

 4. Good Fight Of Faith

 We can't allow anything to deter us from our vision.
Matthew 13:19 illustrates how quickly we can lose sight of our vision. When we sow seeds of faith, it says the enemy comes immediately and snatches away what has been sown in our heart. If you have created a vision chart, which many do to help keep the vision in front of them and orderly. You need to realize the enemy will cause you to have thoughts of self doubt, fear and inadequacy to discourage you from moving forward. Your vision is your seed to success. Scripture says "speak those things that are not as though they were" Romans 4:17

 5. A Clear Focus

 A vision plan focuses your efforts. Our vision should reflect who we truly are. We can always update our vision as we accomplish our goals or change our desires. If you don't like using a vision chart, you can make a list of goals and put them in a prominent place and read it each day. A vision plan will also help you discontinue, weed out and say no to activities that are not in alignment with our goals.

 6. Seek Balance

 Our life is not one dimensional. We are spirit, soul and body, so you want to make sure your vision plan reflects your whole self. If we devote too much energy focusing on one or several areas, most likely other aspects of our life could suffer. When we create our chart, we should look at each area of our life and assess our satisfaction level with each category. Here's an example, you may feel very happy with your career, but you believe that your social life needs an overhaul. The best course of action is to strive to create balance by creating a vision of how you would like each area of your life to look and resist the temptation to put all of our energy into one basket.

 7. Stomp Out Fear

 Fear is the greatest hindrance to our vision. Our nature is to fear failure, the judgement of people, making wrong decisions and fear of the unknown. Lack of action keeps us from moving into future blessings. If you have difficulty making a decision regarding an aspect of your vision, it would be wise to get still, quiet your mind and "ask yourself is fear hindering me from moving forward?" If your answer is yes, then dispel the fear and take the appropriate action. Don't allow fear to stand between you and your dreams.

 8. Live In The Moment

 I'm sure you have heard the saying that life is what's happening while your waiting for some future accomplishment, desire or situation to take place. Our life is right now at this very moment. Ask God to help you enjoy the blessings in your life today. Live consciously by giving your full attention to everything you do. You can use daily biblical meditation to help you quiet your mind and eliminate thoughts that causes us to constantly project on the future or obsess on the past. Many people spend their whole life for some future goal, not realizing that their life is a journey that is unfolding one day at a time. You can break the cycle by having an attitude of contentment and gratitude. Our vision should not be the end all to some accomplishment but a daily lifestyle that enhances every area of our lives.

9. Start Fresh

 Just as an artist paints a new picture using a blank canvas, you can start fresh and create the life you want. Refuse to allow negative people or self doubt to tie you to your past. We can manifest the life we want by creating a new picture or vision then nurture your plan by following the tips listed above. The book of Proverbs states that where there is no vision the people perish or have no restraint. A vision plan will add meaning to our lives. It will give us a sense of purpose.


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