Words Of Encouragement
Isn’t it interesting that what we say to someone and how we say it, has the ability to change the entire trajectory which they may go in? If you have watched the way a child responds to the way someone speaks to them and what is said to the child, how those words could set the direction the child will go. You will in some cases see their direction changed for the remainder of their life, seeing them do great good in their generation. It will cause you to consider the way you speak, or it should. Encouragement is one of the great things you can give someone. A quote from Wilfred A. Peterson from the book “The Art of the Living Treasure Chest” published by Simon & Schuster has a quote that is believed to have actually happened, whatever the case, it has a great truth which comes from a time of great pain in the life of Abraham Lincoln. The powerful quote is this, “Words of encouragement fan the spark of genius into the flame of achievement. Legend tells u...