
Showing posts from July, 2017

Words Of Encouragement

  Isn’t it interesting that what we say to someone and how we say it, has the ability to change the entire trajectory which they may go in? If you have watched the way a child responds to the way someone speaks to them and what is said to the child, how those words could set the direction the child will go. You will in some cases see their direction changed for the remainder of their life, seeing them do great good in their generation. It will cause you to consider the way you speak, or it should.   Encouragement is one of the great things you can give someone. A quote from Wilfred A. Peterson from the book “The Art of the Living Treasure Chest” published by Simon & Schuster has a quote that is believed to have actually happened, whatever the case, it has a great truth which comes from a time of great pain in the life of Abraham Lincoln.   The powerful quote is this, “Words of encouragement fan the spark of genius into the flame of achievement. Legend tells u...

Don't Let The Start Stop You

  I read a quotation some time ago that is well worth repeating, “It’s the start that stops most people.” I believe the thought behind the quote is the fact that people have great ideas, but haven’t acted on them yet. But, as soon as they start taking action, they discover that it is much more difficult than they anticipated. This results in them becoming a non-starter.   Don’t be the person who has the idea to start, but when you start, you find that it involves more work than you expected and you decide to quit. Consider the possibility that if you push through, that you may fulfill that dream you have had for a long time.   You may remember basketball great Michael Jordan. During his heyday, a saying was coined through much television promotion, “Be like Mike”. He was the most decorated basketball player in his time. He appeared in numerous television commercials, including shoes that bore his name. They were called Air Jordan’s. Mike also appeared in movies. ...

Are your goals logical?

If your goals are logical, don’t expect luck or the like. Why? Luck doesn’t exist! “You need to aim beyond what you are capable of. You need to develop a complete disregard for where your abilities end. If you think you’re unable to work for the best company in its sphere, make that your aim. If you think you’re unable to be on the cover of TIME magazine, make it your business to be there. Make your vision of where you want to be a reality. Nothing is impossible.”   —Paul Arden Paul Arden made an incredible statement above. Many will possibly read it and think that is a good statement and go on to something else and not think anything more about it. Let’s break it down and see what we can glean from it. It is something that will not only cause you to have a positive thought, but, encourage you to make a move in a positive direction. Now let’s begin the breakdown in the statement: 1. You need to aim beyond what you are capable of. As you know, so many of...

Create Something You Wish Already Existed

Create something you wish already existed.  Have you ever thought, “I wish someone would create something to solve this problem”? When that thought crossed your mind, did you begin to picture in your mind the solution, seeing the steps to solving the problem? Is it possible that you are being given the knowledge to creating the solution to your own problem? Perhaps, you have the solution to a problem for someone you are yet to meet. You may ask how is that possible? It possibly came as a fleeting thought and you continued to ponder on that thought and you began the steps necessary to complete the process and you are not sure why you put in so much effort. Could it be, that you could have the solution to someone’s problem? God has ways to use us, that we may never consider. When you see something that has amazed you or you wonder why someone created “that”!  It is possible that, it was not created for you, but for a person that you will encounter in the near future? ...

Your Vision

Your vision of who you want to be is your greatest asset. “Create the highest, grandest vision possible for your life, because you become what you believe.”   —Oprah Winfrey This statement made by Oprah is a powerful one to say the least. While I’m not a fan of what Oprah teaches, because as you know, she is a great believer of New Age philosophy, there is no doubting the truth in the statement above. As children, we had an incredible imagination, with dreams of what we would become when we grew up. Some fulfilled those dreams, sadly most have not. Many of us grew up quickly and did not have the opportunity to chase and catch those dreams. I was one who did catch the dream, but I got comfortable and took for granted that it would never end. As you well know, reality does set in and you find out nothing lasts forever. As you and I have discovered, we have to continue dreaming and setting goals to continue progressing effectively through life. “No matter where y...